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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

layout and new additions

I wanted to give a little update about my blog. I have decided that I did not want to blog about only one thing, instead I would like to blog about several things. Therefore I have created several additional blogs that are linked to the right for each additional blog in the form of buttons. Currently, all the images are not correct to the blog type, but they will be in the near future. So please check out my other blogs too!

I also want to offer free patterns for crochet and knitting of some of the creations I make, as well as some basic easy to understand video tutorials. I figured that all this information should be organized so that the general web browser could easily find what they are looking for. I also created an additional blog about cooking! I have been cooking a lot of cool things lately and wanted to share my recipes and photo tutorials of how these things are made.

Additionally, after all this gets going I would like to offer some of my items for sale.

Thanks for coming by and happy web surfing.  Please feel free to leave me any comments and suggestions you might have.
